Michael Ryan, born in 1979, was corrupted early on: during his
apprenticeship at a freight company he regularly had to do customs checks
of pornographic DVDs. Seriously damaged by this he had trouble sleeping at
night for many years to come. Only once he started to go to therapy his
sleeping-troubles eased, especially as the therapy consisted of making porn
movies himself. Ever since he took that step, pornologers have been
privileged to watch him make love to many a big porn-star; and average
humans got to know about Michael Ryan through reports in the printed media
and television.
At present Ryan is deeply immersed in many women, er... projects, such as
new films that he's releasing, working as a film critic with the crazies at Orgazmik - and of course he also tries to find some time for his private life occasionally.
Did you know that Michael Ryan...
- has never yet taken part in a ganbang?
- got the nickname "porn-scuzz" at the editorial offices at Orgazmik?
- likes it best to shoot his movies in public places in Zurich?