'King of Cream' Rodney Moore has dedicated this film to the legendary Indian porn actress Nadia Nyce. The exotic beauty not only shows off her divine body (under the shower for instance) but gets involved in all kinds of dirty games. Besides hot fucks in a range of positions there's also a threesome or some lesbo sex and penetrations with a strap-on dildo. Among other things, Nadia Nyce in this movie slurps sperm from a glass or licks the sticky stuff from a window pane. High-point: In the third scene a girl wets a banana with her own tit-milk and then hands it to Nadia as a snack - before the next sperm shower. Pure sperm-cult!
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Cornelius Cream
Personal pleasure :
The scenes of Indian porn-beauty Nadia Nyce and sperm-king Rodney Moore can be called legendary and are now finally available on DVD! Footage from Rodney's early glorious times with his famous monster-facials and other sperm-games. Sadly the image-quality looks old even on DVD, but for once this shall not detract from the fun. It's good stuff for all Rodney Moore fans and especially lovers of exotic beauties!
Other films from this studio
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